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Welcome to the TT blog! We share the picture of what’s happening in schools across the country and post weekly findings based on what YOU have told us.


How many teachers are also parents?

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Homework Contracts: A good or bad idea?

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How ‘Train-And-Stay’ Is The New Teaching Trend

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What Teachers Tapped This Week #7 – 30th October

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Should School Leaders Worry If Teachers Are Complaining?

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How Being In A Relationship Affects Teaching Workload

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Teacher Illness And The Role Of Managers

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What Teachers Tapped This Week #6 – 22nd October 2017

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Outstanding schools set target grades LESS OFTEN than others

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Which Teachers Have The Most FREEDOM?

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CEO Pay: How Much Is Too Much? It Depends On Your Job…

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Private School Buildings May Not Be As Fancy As You Think

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